Monday, 21 January 2013

Change the width of bar in SSRS

 select the series you are interested in on the chart, either via the chart flange or by selecting the bar or column on the chart. Look over to the property grid and look for a section called "General". Under the "General" heading there is an area for custom attributes. Then change "PointWidth" accordingly. We can also write expression to change the width of bar in "pointwidth".
=IIF(CInt(CountDistinct(Fields!PaymentType.Value,"ReportMainDS"))< 3,.3,1.98)

Full Text Search in SQL

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Format Functions in SSRS Expressions

User-Defined Numeric Formats (Format Function) - 

User-Defined Date/Time Formats (Format Function) -


Date Format in SSRS
=format(Fields!IssueDateTime.Value,"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")